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Showing posts from March, 2019


Chapter 27. "You miss me right" I asked Peter over the phone, I know I promised to forget him, but calling him and flirting around like we normally do, I won't just suddenly stop that. Am taking it slowly. "Yea, I miss your daily challenge" he said making me remember what Paul said. My mood darkened, I them cleared my throat. "I have to go now, I have some assignment to finish" I said, he sighed "Sure I will let you be, I have to sleep early, I now have two store to manage" he said and I heard him yawn. Yea business have been good for him, he is growing and I have faith he will be more in the future. "Alright, goodnight then" I said. "Goodnight love" he said and hung up, nothing confuse me more than him calling me love. I brought out my book to deal with my assignment, part of the reason I hate school, I was half way when my phone rang, I went for it thinking its Peter, on seeing its an unsaved number my excitement


Chapter 26 Luckily I got the admission, in the state university, am more civil with my parents, I learnt soap and cream making, it was good, am always selling it now and my customers always order for more, all in all business and school is good. I once gathered the courage to go visit Peter's parents and they literally shove me off the door after calling me slut and whore, I didn't tell Peter. He also told me that Paul called him and apologized but he said he have nothing against him that he should call me instead, and the swine don't have the gut to yet. The hardest part of school is going an entire day without seeing Peter, my night feels hunted since I always sleep without his warmth, he calls me always, and damn do I love that. I was about going to sleep when my phone rang, thinking its Peter I went to it only to see a foreign number, I instantly know who, I wanted to ignore but Peter asked me to make peace with everything and everybody. "Hello" Paul


Chapter 25 For the fact that our Christmas and New year wasn't exactly fun cause of my pregnant and the baby, Peter decide to take me out on a date, in the middle of January. "Am glad you're now back to your formal self" he said as he drops his juice, I just nodded, my mouth is filled with meet, he always knows how to spoil a lady. We never talked about the kiss, I guess he chalked it off as my emotional break down, and I never told him about what he said in his sleep. Though I never asked me but the feeling I had when I heard is still with me, I always replay it on my mind. "So what's your plan for me" I said after eating now taking the refreshments, I know he always have plans, I just hope it doesn't involve me staying at home like before. "Nothing much" he shrugged, I narrowed my eyes at him making him laugh, "how cute love" yea that's his new name for me and every time is slips out of his mouth my stomach turns in the

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 50              The two grandmothers are now in the hospital Amara called the both, since her father never told her which one, so they are all in the waiting room, Amara happens to be the only one with no fear, she is certain her mom is going to give birth safe and sound. She is already thinking of how to babysit. "Is my wife alright" Mr Uba asked immediately the doctor came out "Yes, she is, there was no complications, she gave birth to a baby boy" she said, and Mr Uba smiled couldn't believe his ears, its just too sweet "Can I go see her now" he asked, and he got a positive answer, so he took Amara with her while the two women follows grinning from ear to ear.            Mirabel is with the child when the entered, the sight warmed Mr Uba's heart, he never imagined that he could have this joy again "I have a baby brother" Amara said and took the baby from her mom, with the help of her grandmother "Yes dear you do"

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 49             Its been more than a year since they married, Iyke have been released cause Mirabel testified for him, and he is grateful for that, Mirabel is happy, she Iove the family she is in, Amara always helps her out with chores, she is the best child one can have. Mirabel's only problem is her husband, its like taking care of a grown baby, I guess that's cause he loves her that much.            She is heavy and due, she is resting on the bed, but hardly a rest cause of the noise Amara and her husband is making playing hide and sick, when she think she can take it anymore she walked downstairs, and she have beem feeling some contractions since morning. She think it will easy up with some rest since its still a week till their appointed time "One more sound from both of you, you will be sleeping in the garage" she said and they both stopped, its normal for her husband to play, he always make them play together but now her pregnancy doesn't let her

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 48                Mr Uba knowing he needs to convince her of their love, and show her what she met to him. "Am considered the luckiest man alive, cause for the second time in a lifetime I found love, a fleet considered impossible. I tell you no matter how much fate try to keep us apart, am willing to try harder to keep us together" she said and got on his kneel. It warmed Mirabel's heart, though knowing what he is about to do its still made her nervous "I know I should have did it in a more romantic way, but I have been varying this ring for the past 2 months waiting for the chance, and with your recent attitude you left me no choice" he said, Amara don't really understand the situation for no matter how smart she is, she is still a kid "So will you marry me" he asked, knowing she already gave her the answer the first day they made love, but he need to officially hear it, not just through gestures "You are late" she said and


Chapter 24      I felt him move back,I leaned forward, am determined, nothing can change it, even the fact he seem to be thinking another thing, he kept avoiding until his back touched the bed and I on top him, the best position if you ask me. I then move to kiss him again but his words crumble my walls revealing the emotions I have fought so hard to hide. "If this is your way to fight or avoid grieve, am not going to be a part of it" he said as he made move to push me up, he stopped as he saw the tears streaming down. He then placed me on his face and gently stroke my hair. "Its better than the emotionless character" he said as I soaked his white shirt. "My baby died" I said in between sobs as it dawn on me "after all this, I still lost him" I said as I recall the insult and how our parents abandoned us, even now they're not here, except for Lydia who visited. "Am sorry" he said as he stroke me giving me the best feeling of co


Chapter 23      When I woke up I noticed the strong smell of antiseptic, even before I opened my eyes to see the fan slowly turning, I then noticed the warm hands engulfing my tiny ones, it brought a small smile to my lips cause its a warmth I have gotten accustomed to. I then turned towards him, he raised his head, he had worry edge on his face, but it lit up when he took in my face, he smiled. "You're awake" he said I just gave him a slight nod, he left I guess to call the doctor and I instantly missed his warmth.not long the doctor and two nurse walked in. "How are you feeling" He asked using his stethoscope on me, "Am fine" I said barely above a whisper, he gave me a slight nod, then move to the nurses and gave them some instructions before leaving, not long after they all left leaving me alone with Peter. "I know it may sound like a lie, but damn you're beautiful even in this condition" he said and I giggled lowly. "Wher

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 47 "Amara" she called, Amara smiled at her, it warmed her heart and she realized how she miss her and how she have been so selfish and self centered "Your mom let me in" she said and sat on her bed beside her. Mirabel couldn't control her emotions so she drew her close and hugged her, the hug was for Amara but for Mirabel, she needed it "Am sorry" she said after the hug, Amara just nodded "My dad said, as a human being, we all have an obstacle, a cross to bear, so what will be of me if my role model was too weak to bear her cross" Amara said giving her quizzical look. Mirabel marvelled at the wisdom of the little girl, so it left her speechless. Misreading her silent Amara went on talking "You know, the word mom have always felt foreign to me, even when I talk about my mother I don't call her mom, but with you, I know it will easily leave my lips and not feel like an alien language if I call you that" she said and l

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 46               Mirabel became a walking dead after her fathers death, it devastated her mother but she took it better than Mirabel, she is gathering herself piece by piece, but Mirabel have the guilt that things wouldn't have been like this is she did it differently.  Its been more than a month since the incident and her father have been buried she still not over it, she is avoiding everybody including Mr Uba, and its hurts him more than he could possibly imagine. Amanda committed suicide in the prison by biting off her tongue, she bled to death before being sentenced. "Why do you avoid Mr Uba" her mother asked when she came into Mirabel room, she don't want to force her daughter so whenever Mr Uba comes she kindly ask him to leave "Nothing" she answered reluctantly "You know you are punishing the young man by denying you both your happiness" her mother said and she remembers Mr Uba's word 'in your anger you might be holding

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 45              She rushed quickly to her father side, he is now lying in pool of blood gasping for air, she held him as tears ran down her cheek "What have I done" she said, she took her phone and dial Mr Uba number, its normal that in our time of distress we call who we rely on the most, and for Mirabel its Mr Uba. "Hello stranger" he said as he picked up "Come quick my dad have been shot" she said between tears, and all playfulness left Mr Uba voice "Where are you at" he asked "At home" she answered wiping her tears "I will be there" he said cutting the call, she went back to her dad to put pressure on the blood "Its my fault, I should have been more careful" she said, "No dear, its not" her father said, and it was unexpected but good from her side of view "am sorry for leaving your mother and you" tears left his eyes, he is in pain its written on his face "We forgive you

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 44            She was thinking of Mr Uba and how she is leaving him just like his first wife, she never wanted this but its like that's what fate want. Instead of hearing the gunshot she heard the door squeak opened she now opened her eyes to see her father walked in "Stop there" Amanda said pointing the gun at him, his first reaction is to look over to his daughter, he felt relieve that is still unharm. Amanda is now nervous that her plan is not going as planned "Go over to your daughter" she ordered "No" he said firmly, Chief Ifeanyi have always been the stubborn type "don't think I will make it easy for you" he said and his daughter marvelled at his courage "We are apart, so it will take you time to shot me and shoot her" he said masking his nervousness with a relaxed look "Shoot  her, I will get to you before you shoot  me, shoot me she will get to you before you shoot her" he said and his words gave


Chapter 22 He came home late, I was worried when he came back, but he took me off guard when he took me to a tight embrace, I was surprise but nevertheless returned the gesture, cause its not everyday I get to feel him this close. "What's wrong" I asked looking at his worried face, he went and sat down still holding my hand "Our formal house was robbed" he said and I gasped, clasping my mouth with my hand, "I met Emeka in my way back and he told me, it was last night, and Mama Emma husband was killed" he said and tears came streaming down, we escaped the ordeal by just a day, he wiped away my tears. "I was so afraid, I never want anything to happen to you" he said, I can feel his sincerity "just the thought of you getting hurt worn me out" he said, in situation like this makes me wonder what he feels, am I just a challenge to him that makes his life interesting or am I something more. "Nothing will happen" I assured h

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 43 "Amanda?" She asked, she actually remembers her, she was jealous when the first met and Amanda was Mr Uba date, she asked later and found oyput nothing was between them, they just sort of work together "Yes" she said with a kind smile that hid her serpent heart so well "am surprise you recognized me" she said and Mirabel gave a giggle "You are a pretty lady so it kind of hard to forget someone like you" she said, though Amanda is pretty but that's not the reason she remembered her "Can I come in" she asked and Mirabel let her in, she wondered why she is here, maybe, Mr Uba sent her here for something "Nice home you have here" she said looking around "Thanks" she said, and eager to hear what she came for "Where is everybody" she asked "Am alone at home" she answered then immediately had this gut feeling that she shouldn't have answered that "so to what do I owe this

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 42                The only thing running on Mr Uba's mind is how to propose to her, he already bought a ring, he already know the answer but he is still nervous, he is making up ways to ask her he is thinking of romantic way. He used a candlelight dinner the firs time, he don't want to repeat it again. "How would you like to have a mother" he asked his daughter after having their lunch "That would be nice" she said, not looking at her dad, but the TV "Then would you like you mother to be Mirabel" he asked needing her daughters approval, cause being friendly with her is different from taking her as a mother "Isn't that the point of the whole thing" she said this time looking at her father "you know, I always imagine chatting with mom and all that, she happens to fill that fantasy of mine" she said a little too mature for ten years old girl He narrowed this vision at his daughter "remind me again, how old ar

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 40             Not long after the police came and took Iyke away, he also became the prime suspect of the hit and run, Mirabel gave her statement of what happened even Mr Uba. Her parents came back while the police are going so Mirabel filled them in, they kept thanking Mr Uba who doesn't really see the reason for the appreciation. Cause to them he saved their daughter but to him he saved his life, he needs Mirabel  more than he needs breath. "Come on its time to go, its late" Mirabel is asking him to leave, he don't want to saying he need to seat guard, regardless of the fact that the door have been fixed "I want to stay" he said with a puppy face "That won't charm me" she said, not that she don't want him to stay, but if he stay under the same roof with him, her body will be so aware of him, even they didn't stay in the same room, and with that she will sure not keep her hands off him. So to avoid such situation he have to


Chapter 21 My afternoon nap was cut short because of the loud bang on the door, I refrained myself fron cursing, thinking it might be Lydia, its been long she visited since she brought her parents i thought to myself. I opened the door only to see a very angry woman, Peter's mom, I stood frozen with zero idea of what to do or say. "Good afternoon ma" I finally say, she took in my features from head to toe. She scrunches her face after she realize I have been sleeping. "Sorry I took time to open up" I added, "come in" I said with visible nervousness, I feel like nothing I do will please her, but I can't stop trying. "So you're here sleeping like madam while my poor son is outside working his life out" she said with much hatred, I hung my head low since I have no reply for that. "You think God will forgive you for destroying my son's life" she fumed, if only Paul could take his own fair share of blame, for Christ sak

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 39              Mirabel felt the hope she had crumble, tears escaped her eyes and Iyke was enjoying the moment when the door bursted open, Mr Uba came in, rage written all over him, the sight before him repulse him to the bone "You bastard" he screamed at Iyke, whom on see Mr Uba started trembling "I.... Can... Explain" he said standing up, Mr Uba don't need his explanation, he descended on him, he first gave him a punch to his left cheek, the immediately to the right, before Iyke could stumble back he caught him and place him on the chair, then gave him three more punch, he stopped when he heard Mirabel's sobs. "Easy love" he went and helped her up, Mirabel looked at Iyke and got confuse if its just the few punch from Mr Uba that damaged his face to this extent, he was clearly unconscious "Remind me never to pick a fight with you" she said regaining herself, with Mr Uba around she could slowly feel her strength getting back

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 38                Her throat hurts her, the Iyke she knows is different from the one before her, fear grip her so she screamed but received a hard punch on her stomach. She stumbled down and coughed in pain holding her tummy, it knocked the air out of her "I have been monitoring you, today everybody is gone even your so called lover" he said towering over her "let's see if he will still love after am done with you" he said with an evil smile.               Mirabel wants to shout but can't, she always want to fight but she lost all her energy, she now curse herself for being weak and it was clear she have not fully recovered cause she feel pain all over her body "Get over here" Iyke dragged her close, she tried resisting but he was way stronger than him, he tore her blouse exposing her black bra, the curves made iyke more determined, as he went for the bra he received a slap from Mirabel, it was hard but it did very little to him "

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 37                Mirabel was really happy how everything went, she have never felt so welcomed before, she felt free, Amara kept bragging about her, even Amaka came by with her own family, they all were welcoming and she loved it                Today is monday, she is alone at home, she stopped working after the accident, she wanted to resume today but her parents refused, Mr Uba also refused, so she is now alone at home bored out of her head. She was drifting off to sleep when she heard a knock, she the limped to the door to open it. "Iyke" she said surprisingly, she have never heard from him again since she turned him down, she thinks he is still angry "Can I come in" he asked gently, she thought for a second but decided to let him in, Iyke is one of the good guys, she know though he was pretty angry when he turned him down "What can I offer you" she asked "Nothing, I just came to visit you, I heard of the accident" he said looki

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 36                  He was the one meant to do the introduction but having his daughter do it is more interesting so he followed slowly behind them, Mirabel wish she can find the situation funny like Mr Uba.      "Grandmom, granddad, this is my teacher I have been telling you about" Amara said introducing Mirabel to them "Good day ma, good day sir" she greeted, she tried to curtsey but her leg won't let her, she the gave a little bow "Good day my daughter, we have heard a lot about you" the woman said, it made Mirabel relieved small for her kind words, she the smiled but the man have not said a thing. "Sit down" she gestured her and she did, Amara have already jumped on her grand father, it was a warm sight "You are welcome my daughter" he finally spoke and mirabel straightened and gave him a nod since she lost her voice, there was this authority in his voice that shows he have the last say "Mom dad how have you

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 35                After two weeks she is now at home, though she is still moving with a walking stick, but she is healing fast, they couldn't get the culprit, she is just glad to be alive and having a near death experience made her forgave her father.  She is currently protesting in the car, Mr Uba is driving her to go see his family, she think she is going to get ridiculed, she still limp, and some scares is still visible on her face, Mr Uba just want to call her, his own the earlier the better and he knows his family won't condemn Herr for that.  "If this takes a wrong turn, I will have your head" she said through closed teeth "How cute, relax our family don't have humans for lunch, only for breakfast" he teased "How funny" she said giving him a dried laugh, he don't matter how much she needs the parents approval, and not that he have proposed, he is still planning how.  "Come down" he said opening the doo

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 34               He could see the bandage on her head, her leg was tied hanging with bandages, she have some visible bruise but she is breathing, he now sat beside her "Hello stranger" he said "you gave me quite a scare" he chuckled "Amara will give you an ear full, I also think she will stop eating short bread for now, at least she can't resist the temptation" he smiled and touched her hands "They say who you think of before sleeping and after waking up, is either the source of your joy or pain, you are my joy Mirabel" he said with a deep breath, he then noticed the parents come in "Its getting late son, you should be going" her father said, he smiled as he heard the word son "I actually want to stay the night with her" he said, he never stayed with someone in the hospital since his wife died, but with Mirabel he don't care, it will be worst if he doesn't stay. Mrs Ugwu, noticing they can't argue

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 33              Some of the school teachers are here, Amara seems to be the only student, he wondered why. "How was it" the father was first to ask The doctor took a deep breath "she is alright, she have two broken ribs, a cut above the eyes and dislocation on her left knee, she needs rest and some medication with time she will be all better" he said we all felt relieved, Janet knelt down and started offering praise to God, Amara joined her, they were like family "When can we go see her" Mr Uba asked, "Families can go see her, but she is still sleeping though" he said and excused himself "Go on" I told her parents giving them the chance to see them first, she took Amara with her, she is also happy for that. "Why did you bring my daughter with you" I asked the school proprietor once my daughter was gone "She insisted, and kept crying, so we have no other choice" he said, in a mild tone Mr Uba could un

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 32                 Mr Uba rushed to the hospital, hospital have always been a dreadful place to him, he make sure to avoid it but today is a must. "What happened" he asked as he approached his daughter, she wrapped her arms around him, crying, its broke his heart, seeing her daughter like this broke his heart and thinking how much damage the accident have cause puts pressure on him. "Its my fault dad" she said with tears "I wanted to have short bread so she went across the street to buy it, she got hit and the drive drove off" she said crying, it was hit and run "Don't worry dear its no ones fault" Mirabel's mother consoled Amara, Mr Uba is just noticing her too, with a man he could easily guess is Mirabel father, he looks like no nonsense man, if the situation was different Mr Uba will really have hard time talking to him "How is the situation" he asked him, since he is the only one that looks collected "Fine

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 31                 Mirabel came home early to prepare for school, Mr Uba dropped her off, she saw her father knowing they have a lot to talk about but little time she told him she will see him when she comes back, she wondered if her father slept over.                Even after her whole rush she came late to school, thankfully she was let off easily, seeing Amara made her remember what she did last night, she hope she won't be angry knowing she now date her father. Her teaching went quiet well today, Amara still a good girl to her and they are both bonding, other teachers noticed the bond but didn't talk much on it.                Mr Uba at work place can't seem to get her off his system, she really fulfill his fantasy he is really lucky "Mr Uba" Amanda called him, he turned to look at her, really not interested in any of her conversation "Yes" he answered in a business tone "Have you thought about what I said" she asked, Mr Uba

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 30                Mirabel woke up at night, she never planned for this but she don't regret it, it seems unplanned events are the most beautiful, she remembers vividly what happens, she is no virgin, but after tonight she knows her previous ones was just sex, but this one with Mr Uba is love making. His strengand stroke was beyond ecstasy, she smile at the memory.               She watch him sleep, normally she would have left the bed, but she can't just get enough of him "What are you doing" Mr Uba asked opening his eyes, she's  been caught so she smiled "Just staring at the man that stole my heart" she said and it made his eyes widened and his sleep gone he lay up resting his weight on his elbow. "Did you just admit you love me" he asked looking directly into her eyes "No, I just called you a thief" she said and giggle, he smiled and pulled her to his chest "Am not a good thief, cause I lost mine to you when I st

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 29                 He then kissed her,  gentle but full of emotion "I forgive you" he whispere, he could taste the salty taste of her tears on her lips, he pulled back but she pulled him close and reclaim his lips. "Stop" he said holding the last thread of control, but it seems she no longer have any so she continued. He pulled her up and she wrapped her legs around him, its been long he felt a woman touch like this, every bit of him wants her like she is his other half              He could feel her breast pressed against his chest and he liked the feeling, he ran her hands down her spine and she moan, he felt powerful knowing he is making her feel like this. Still in his hands he took her up to his room, knowing what's about to go down he is glad that Amara is not home.               He lay her on the bed and took in her features, he wants to remember her like this,  she is indescribable, he once said nobody is perfect and he believed it, but seein

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 28                  She took the address from the register, thank God she brought it home, every student address is written on it, but she knock at the gate and got no answer, showing no ones is home, she could easily guess that he took Amara to his sister and went back to work. She is determine to wait for him, so she is sat on the pavement beside the gate.                   Mr Uba saw her from a distance, though not her face but from her physic he can easily guess, a lot of emotion swam through him but the highest was surprise. He got down from the car as he pack in front of the gate, he is surprise she haven't notice his present that could only mean one thing, she is asleep, but it baffled him, she could sleep in such position, she really going to have neck pain when she wakes up "Hello stranger" he said nudging her a little bit, its already night, she stirred a bit then open her eyes, she blushed as she saw Mr Uba so close "Hello there" she mana

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 27        Its been 2 days since the misunderstanding, Mr Uba have always looked at Mirabel whenever she comes to drop Amara but she always look away not wanting to melt in his gaze. She also fear that he is right, and she really need to talk to her mother about it. "Mom can we talk" she said, after several practice on what to say, and her mother constant gloomy look is disheartening. "Any problem" she asked sitting opposite her daughter "Do you still love dad" she asked both being someone that beat around the bush, her mother was silent, that shows her suspicions was right "you do" she stated, she just gave her a nod Realization hit her, truthfully in her anger she held her mothers happiness, for a woman she only want her happiness, she really was short sighted, it hit her how right Mr Uba was and how selfish she have been. "I was afraid you will be angry and not give him a chance and you will torn" she said as tears rolle

Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 26                   He came back home feeling dejected, he already called his sister to bring back Amara, he felt so lonely. "What's wrong" Amaka his sister asked, Amara is currently having her dinner "I found a girl" he said and her face lit up, she have always wanted that "So when can I meet her" she asked eagerly, he smiled, knowing it might never happen with the way things are right now, but he still have hope "Pretty soon I hope" he answered and she smiled "No problem, my husband is back I have to leave I already miss him enough" she said and gathered her things to leave, "bye Amara" she said "Buyi buyi" she replied with food in her mouth, it earned a laugh from her father and aunt.                Mr Uba came back after seeing Amaka to her car, she don't want to bore her with what's happening now and she hope things will get better "So how was your day" Amara asked after h


Chapter 20 I kept talking with the girls, more like they kept talking, reminiscing about the old school days, I paid little attention, I just kept searching the crowd for Peter couldn't see him, am worried he knows nobody here and might be bored. Am also worried the ladies will be all over him, he is barely 20 so he is sex on stick, with the thought of girls around him, I made my move to find him. "Excuse me ladies" I said as I slowly stood up. "You stay a moment away from him" Ifeoma said I just smiled. 'Better hold him tight, he is such a temptation " Cassandra chipped in. I smiled and walked away. I kept searching but couldn't find him. Its as if he isn't in the hall. I then brought out my phone to call him, wasn't paying attention where am heading to, I collided with someone, but before I could fall the person caught me and drew me up. "Easy there heavy" he said, I smiled as the familiar lemon smell hits me. "Pet