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Daddy's Little Girl

Chapter 43
"Amanda?" She asked, she actually remembers her, she was jealous when the first met and Amanda was Mr Uba date, she asked later and found oyput nothing was between them, they just sort of work together
"Yes" she said with a kind smile that hid her serpent heart so well "am surprise you recognized me" she said and Mirabel gave a giggle
"You are a pretty lady so it kind of hard to forget someone like you" she said, though Amanda is pretty but that's not the reason she remembered her
"Can I come in" she asked and Mirabel let her in, she wondered why she is here, maybe, Mr Uba sent her here for something
"Nice home you have here" she said looking around
"Thanks" she said, and eager to hear what she came for
"Where is everybody" she asked
"Am alone at home" she answered then immediately had this gut feeling that she shouldn't have answered that "so to what do I owe this visit" she asked not bothering to offer her something
"I came to give you this" she said dipping hand into her bag and brought out gun. Mirabel gasped. She tried speaking but no words came out.
"So are you ready to take the bullet from it" she said walking towards Mirabel as she stumble back "you think you can walk in and take my man away" she raised her voice but not enough to reach outside.
"Please let's talk things out" she finally said trying to reason with her, but Amanda already have her mind set up "if you shoot me, it will draw attention, and I know someone must have seen you entered" she said, but Amanda laughed
"It won't be that loud cause am going to absorb the sound with this pillow" she said pointing at the pillow "and am careful nobody saw me walk in" she said, and Mirabel knows she have lost and no way to defend herself against the bullet,
"Go sit there" Amanda said point at the chair, she obey, making them both change position, Amanda is now backing the door, Mirabel closed her eyes waiting for the death thinking onlky of Mr Uba and how she is leaving him like his first wife.


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