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My Monster

Chapter 13

        I kept hanging out with Eric and we got close, he laughs more with me, Amina kept asking where I spend my break time, I gave her the excuse of reading since we will take our waec next term, it's not entirely a lie since I also Read with Eric.
"So you guys will have your date today?" he asked, if not for him occasionally reminding me, I would've forgotten it.
"Yea," I answered and am annoyed by it, he smiled
"Have fun," he said, I wanted to tear out his lips, he's not even jealous, why would he be, I am nothing to him, at most am just a friend. I looked at him, he'ss reading his chemistry, if am just a friend to him, then what is he to me? I still don't know.
After school dismissed he left, Richie was sad cause they have to spend this weekend at the camp, not just him but all the delinquent.
"Mom am heading out," I said, she just turned from the TV to look at me
"Where?" she asked,
"Meeting up with a friend to study" she took a closer look at me, am wearing a pink top and black trouser with my purse, no makeup, someone said I should keep it simple.
"Where is your book then," she asked.
"Will take from my friend," I said, she gave me a nod, normally she will question more, but she's having a visitor over, the housewives made it a habit to visit each other. Mainly to gossip and talk about cooking recipe or cloth.
"Come back on time," she said and I waved and left. Kevin already tested me the location, he wanted to come and pick me but I refused, my mother wouldn't allow that.
I didn't take my car, the driver is out for the weekend, so I took a taxi, I got there by 4 pm, I stood outside admiring the restaurant, being rich is awesome.
I walked in and smiled at the boy that opened the door for me, I heard Kevin calling me over, I smiled and walked over to him.
"Wasn't hard to find right?" he asked and I gave him a nod, should I tell him that here looks expensive.
"Fancy restaurant," I said instead and he smiled
"The best for you dear," he said and motioned me to pick the menu, as I go through the menu I discovered that I don't even know the food on this list, are they even African?.
"I will go for fried rice," I said, he nods and puts down his menu, he hits a button at the center of the table not long after, the waiter appeared and took our order.
"So how have school been to you?" he asked, only one face came to mind at the mention of school.
"Good," I said,
"You seem dull," he said, oh it's noticeable, I willed myself to be here, am dull cause I will rather be somewhere else with a particular someone.
"Maybe cause I am still weak from school," I said half the truth.
"Sorry, should've chosen another day," he said looking guilty.
"Never mind," I said, our food arrived and I was thankful, at least no more talking. He tried to bring up small talks as we eat and I always give him a straight and simple answer. Talk about boredom, I now know how awkward it is to go on date with someone you feel nothing for.
"Hope you enjoyed the food," he asked and I nodded, since I came here I don't think I have said up to 10 words.
"Barbara, I asked you out so we can talk about my proposal, lately I have no idea where you spend your time," he said, I looked down, he still has hopes.
"I admired you, truthfully I did, you are cute, but it was nothing more than a teenage crush, you know the types girls have on celebrity," I said, I compared him with celebrity, just to make him feel better
"So it means you were never in love with me?" he asked, I never meant to give him that idea.
"Nop, am sorry you misunderstood," I said sadly.
"Misunderstood?" He said quietly. "You took me for a ride bitch!" He said raising his voice, my head snapped up looking around I saw people looking our way.
"I know you are sad, but please calm down," I pleaded, I hate attention, especially one of embarrassment.
"You used me," he said, when? I asked myself, "you're dating another guy right, he is the person you spend your time with," he said and his eyes already turning red, Kevin now looks like a stranger.
"Wait till I find out who, I will make him pay and I will show you how wrong your choice was" he said and stormed out, I wish I could just disappear, should I be afraid, am just a friend to Eric, if Kevin finds out I spend time with Eric will he hurt Eric.
Slowly tears stream down my cheek, am such a wuss, as if that wasn't enough the waiter brought the bill and it's a whole lot of zeros, I gasped as I saw it, so he didn't pay, I searched my purse but couldn't find my ATM, the money am with is not even up to half, besides it's my transport fare.
What am I going to do, now the waiter will embarrass me the more, I laid my head on the table and hope the customers will stop their pitiful stare.
After a while, I heard a tap on my table, I raised up my head and saw him, sitting in front of me, not my imagination, his real, I touched his warm hands and he smiled.
"What," I said barely above a whisper, he then leaned forward.
"Every Barbie deserves a fairytale, am here to give you one," he said smiling, I smiled back. Just like that, all my affliction was wiped away, the monster became my hero.


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