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Accidental Brother

Chapter 5
"How is that your business," I barked at him
"Cause I want to boil water, cupcake," he said with a smirk
"For the last time, am not cupcake," I said and stomped off,
"I hate him," I said to Martha
"That's what brothers do," she said trying to sympathise with me.
"Call me later, mom needs her phone." she said, yea, she uses her mothers' phone
"Alright," I said and cut the call as I went back to check my noodles,
The devil is already standing by the corner drinking tea, he drinks tea a lot so I don't need anybody telling me it is his favourite. I gave him a stink eye and dished out my noodles.
I left the kitchen for him since his presences turn my tummy,
I went to my fortress, my room. I breathe in and out and took a few seconds to calm my nerves and flush out the devil from my thought, I always use the fantasy of Oliver to flush him out, works always.
"Now noodles, time to face demolition." I said and smiled, but my face changed as the first spoon has more salt in them than seawater,
How can noodles have salt, then it struck me, the devil did it. I rushed out to give him a piece of my mind but he already left, no doubt to play football, we don't always wash our uniforms, but today I have to.
I threw away the noodles, in a way my mom won't see it,
I then took money from my savings to buy another, I don't want soup
Am not angry much, am happy I have some time alone, after washing my uniform and eating,
I brought out a picture I took with Oliver, it was our Jss 2 when we played King and Queen in our party
I smiled as I look at his perfect face, he might have been mine today if the devil didn't ruin it. Well, there is always another day.
"The bosses are home" I heard the devils voice, he was nudging me, I must have fallen asleep while thinking of Oliver
"Good evening boss," he said to his dad
"Good evening boss lady," he said to mom, how can he show them all his good side and me the bad side.

Chapter 6
"So how was your day kids," my mom asked after I greeted them
"Fine" the devil answered before me, not that I want to tell our parents everything.
"Come honey, let's go freshen up" dad said to mom, it's not even weird when I call him dad, and he has been super sweet to me, I have a feeling I might rely on him more than mom in the future.
"Sure boss, when you come out the food will be ready," the devil said again with an innocent look, I want to shred off that innocency and show people the devil he is.
"Go prepare their food, cupcake," he said to me, more like ordered me
"Am not your maid" I said, he laughed
"I never said you were, am just reminding you of your duty," he said and walked into the room.
I went to prepare the food since it's my duty actually, I wonder how much of his prank I can take before I spill.
Am running to school, our parents always leave very early, leaving us both, so he now went inside the bathroom and wasted a lot of time, he also hid my bag that I had to search for it, before I am done I was already late for school. He is such a devil, how can someone like this exist.
"You are to clear the field after school," the senior prefect told us, the late comers, I hardly come late, but the devil living with me made sure I did.
"Why is you bag dripping water," Oliver asked, and I froze as I heard his voice, it's always a melody to my ear
"Can't you hear me?" he said again and I turned to look at him, I didn't notice he is also among the latecomers
"What," I said sharply,
"I said your bag, is dripping water" he repeated then left, maybe I came out too sharply, I busted another chance with him, then I realized what he said, I pulled off my bag to check. It's truly dripping, I opened the bag to see a can of water in my bag, it's not covered tightly so it soaked my bag and books. My heart hurts, how can a brother treat his sister like this. What did I ever do to him.


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