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The Bond Between Us

Chapter 18
"Fits like a glove" George said, after seeing how Martins looked on the suit he gave him, its a black suit, "am sure you will be the girls fantasy tonight" he said
"I think you have that part covered" Martins said, and they both laughed
"You know I have always wanted to be like you, the brains the look, the maturity, you are a guy we all want to be like. After you left some guys started talking how they can't stand you, how they hated you cause you are the girls heart throb" he scoffed "some still like you, but we all miss you" he said, Martins remembered how things was back then and smile.
"Thanks for the suit man" he said and they both walked out,
"Enjoy the party" George said and left him, he looked around and saw Chief, he was expecting to see Joy. He walked over to chief with his birthday gift in hand.
"Happy birthday Chief" He said and Chief turned
"How are you boy" he asked and Martins just gave him a nod, he greeted the people with chief, and ignored the girl that gave him a wink.
"Here is your present" he said and handed a small rectangular box to Chief,  Chief was surprise cause  he never expected anything from him. He took it and opened it, it's a fancy pen, the type one uses in office.
"I don't have much, but I hope you can sign more contract with this pen" he said with a smile, it warmth chief heart
"Thanks boy" he said and put the pen back into the box and tuck it inside his pocket "now go enjoy the party" he said and Obinna left with a bow.
"What a thoughtful lad" one of Chief friend say, and Chief agreed, the girl that winked Martins followed him.
"Hi handsome" she said as she reached Martins.
"Hi" he responded trying not to be rude.
"He will fancy the pen for long" she said with a smile, making Martins smile too, he looked and saw people dancing, more like waltzing around, he saw George with Chisom, he still haven't seen Joy and he is worried.
"Care to dance" the girl asked
"No am bad at it" he said and left her standing, not seeing joy is quickly putting him in bad mood, as he was walking closer to the dance floor to see if he could see her. He bumped into someone.
"Excuse me" he said, then the person turn and it is Joy, he smiled instantly and melted. Without talking Joy dragged him to the dance floor. She is wearing a red gown.
"How cliche" he said as they waltz around
"What do you mean"
"You know bumping to you, and sweeping you off your feet to the dancefloor. Its like in fairytale when the prince charming bumps into the princess" He said as they waltz around
"That's the cliche of all cliche" she said with a giggle
"But only one flaw, am no prince charming" he said with a scoff, Joy pause and stared at him
"You don't need a castle or kingdom to be my prince, you already rule my world, and for the charming part, you were born charming" she said making Martins chuckle, moments later Charles came along.
"Can I steal her for a moment" he said to Martins,
"Sure" he said like a civilized man, but hurts him to let her go when he just found her. He try not to be jealous since according to Joy,Charles is just child fantasy.
He walked to the sideline and watch as she waltz with Charles, he took a glass of wine from the boy serving.
"Don't they look perfect" He heard Chisom said beside him
"Don't you have anyone else to bother" he said and moved away to go take some food from there servers.
"Come on, don't get caught up in this worlds of giants, am trying to look out for you" she said, Martins ignore him and continued eating. Chisom kept trying to convince but got no reply or reaction from Martins, she got angry and left.
"Thought she will never leave" Joy said from behind, then walked right in front and sat where Chisom stood up from.
"She is like a pest" he said angrily.
"Not that I blame her, have you seen yourself, you're like a perfect guy from a romance novel" she said and Martins smiled
"You my dear look amazing, but that's everyday" he said, Joy gave her a weak smile, this isn't the reaction Martins was expecting "what's wrong" he asked holding Joys hand. She took a deep breath to gather her wit before dropping the bombshell.
"You were right, Charles and my father do have an agreement or arrangement sort off, to marry me" she said before looking at Martins to see his reaction, he just kept blinking. It made joy uneasy. "Am just hearing it and I still have my own choices to make, so don't worry" she tries to convince Martins.
He remember Chisom warning him not to get caught up in the world of giants "I have nothing to say" he said, he feel so powerless, cause he is just an option and joy can choose another.
"Don't let it bother you" she said with a smile, Martins smiled back but not convinced, cause he is really an ant in this world, that will go unnoticed when squashed.


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