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Diary of Mr. Nice Guy

           DIARY OF Mr. NICE GUY

Chapter 1

I was trained to always see the best in every situation, to hope for a better tomorrow even when today is bad, to always keep moving regardless of how many times I fall. This has always been my life, that's how I easily get over the disappointment.
I ponder about my relationship life as I slowly walk home, today's lecture was hectic, we always do everything possible to get admission, but get tired and worn out after the first semester. I watch around seeing unizik student go about their business. Am just a year one student and already feeling like am in my final cause of stress.
Of everybody walking around me, only two people caught my attention, a boy and a girl walking together holding hands, obviously couples. My mood got gloomy as it reminds me of how pathetic I am when it comes to girls affairs.
I  lower my hand into my bag to feel the diary I just bought, I heard keeping diary helps one write out his deepest feelings and keep a record of important moments of his life, I hope it helps me.
On getting home I quickly freshen up and stuffed my stomach, I didn't have my breakfast cause I was in a hurry. After that I then focused on my assignment, it's easy I have always been a bright student, that's why everyone is friendly with me, not that I want, sadly. After being done with the work I decided to call  Chidimma, she is the girl that has caught my interest and I plan to make her mine.
"Hello," she said as she picks up and I instantly stood up.
"Hi, Chidimma," I said in one breath, she giggles, I think she knows the effect she has on me. "You didn't come to school today," I asked, yea I know cause I literally looked for her.
"Yes, was held up at home," she said, I hope she wasn't stressed.
"Alright, well I took the liberty to mark attendance for you," I said feeling proud.
"Thanks, you're the best" she replied, "so any assignment?" She asked.
"Yes but not to worry, I already did that for you," I said, and I heard her gasp
"You really are the best, I will surprise you when I see you," she said and my mind is already thinking of the surprise, I heard how girls give guys surprise sex in this school I surely don't mind having one, in fact, I will be happiest if that's the surprise.
"No need for that, am just being among the good guys," I said, smiling.
"Thanks anyway, have to do something will catch up later" she hangs up immediately, Chidimma always in a hurry.
I lay back down to imagine what the surprise will be like, I smile as my imagination involves Chidimma and me on the bed.
After calming my nerves I decided to make use of the Diary I bought, after thinking about what to write for a while I decided to start with an introduction, its never wrong to start like that.
 Dear diary
          My name is Harry Jacobs, a nice name if you ask me, am 21 years old,  in my 100level, and I never had a girlfriend, sucks right.
         I hear diary helps you write out your emotions and the embarrassing moments you can't tell people, so here I am writing out the emotions and embarrassing moment of my life.
         My first attempt to have a girlfriend was in my ss1, there was this new girl, very beautiful, she was the first to approach, the teacher asked her to go meet the class rep, which I was then. So when she said the word  "hello" it sounded better than music, I was dazed, it took me about a minute to compose myself and reply, it wasn't my fault, she's an epitome of beauty. Well, long story short, I did everything for her even copied her notes, I tried showing my feelings through actions, for they say action speaks louder than words. But sadly my action made me a friend instead of a lover. The tragic part of the story is that she ended up with Arinze, the guy that literally shouted at her on her first week in school, how wicked is that
         Furthermore, this didn't stop at ss1, it continued, throughout my secondary school, all the girls I had a crush on, friend zoned me, sometimes I cry over it when am alone,  Harry Jacobs the fool (don't tell anyone).
Now am in my 100level and am still a virgin, hell the closest thing to a kiss I've had is a peck, that's when miracle pecked me goodbye, I was 10 then, they were relocating to kano. I haven't seen her since then, we use to be best of buddies, she always brightens my day when I remember what we had done together. I miss her, I wonder what she looks like now, I bet uglier cause damn she used to be ugly, with some of her teeth gone. (lol)
            So now am currently crushing on a very beautiful girl, and I plan to step up my game so I won't be friend zoned again. Am not ugly, am presentable, though not with the looks of a model with abs, I still have a flat tummy and a little chest, height above average, have a nice hair, heck I always get compliments from girls but sadly nobody wants to date me, just friends.
            So here is the thing. Am stepping up my games and with the hope, I will finally land myself a girlfriend. wish me luck, talk to you later

I closed it up after the entry I must admit it felt oddly good, I guess I will make it a habit and hope nobody sees it, I then decide to hide it in the cloth box, nobody goes there.
I smile as I remember its Miracle's favorite hiding place, she really made my childhood fun, had it been I have a way to contact her I would've. I drifted off to sleep not long after.


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