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Chapter 14
Am now 3 months gone, my baby bumb is coming out, I have started my antenatal, I sometimes go with Lydia if she visit, Peter is always busy.
"So what the doctors say" she asked, she didn't go with me today, she decided to stay home and help me clean the house.
"That, we're both healthy, that I should take my drugs and fruit,eat more of vegetables" I said as I focused my eyes on the Kdrama am watching. Peter hates it, he says they're over dramatic, but it move market, since girls love it a lot.
"Good, Paul called, he said everything is fine, all of a sudden he is our parents favorite" she said with a bit of disgust, I have wondered a thousand times if I should tell her the truth, she deserves to know.
"I have something to tell you" I turned to her, but I paused my movie, wouldn't want to miss a single scene.
"What" she asked.
"Peter is not responsible" I said. She burrowed her eyesbrow showing her confusion."he is not the one that impregnated me" I said and it hits her as her eyes widened.
"Its Paul" she stated, I just nodded "yes" she screamed "I knew it, I've always suspected, but why did you say its Peter, and why did he accept" she asked.
"Paul, soiled Peter's image, making me believe he was following Peter's footstep, so I pointed Peter as a punishment, I thought he would deny, I was sure he would, but he accepted and that left me awestruck" I said and explained further by telling her, how Paul wanted abortion and how he soiled Peter's name.
"Do you know why he accepted?" She asked.
"Not sure, he just said he wants the excitement" I replied and Lydia smiled.
"Typical Peter, wait till mother hears this" Lydia said.
"No you must not, Peter don't want them to know" I said, he didn't say so, but I guess so. Lydia gave me a skeptical look, the shrugged,
"Ok, let's start watching, at least I know the truth" she said, as I hit the play button my phone ranged. Its Peter.
"Hello" I said picking up
"Can you please, get me the store electricity bill" he said, he always forget that at home, and am now getting lazy, so I don't want to go, he even said I should stop bringing him food and rest.
"I will give it to Lydia" I said, he just chuckled
"Its, in my bag, the one on top shelf" he said and hung up. I chuckled, though am not acting on my feelings, that doesn't mean I don't have it.
"Lydia, can you help me run some errand" I said, she stared at her watch.
"Sure, but I will be leaving from there" she said, its always a bad news to me when she leave, we have bonded a lot, and she only come on weekends because of school, am happy her parents do allow her.
"I will miss you" I said,
"You have Peter" she tease, she said things will change for us, I just smiled and brought down the bag, opened it and brought out the bill. Peter is a very careful guy, he always keep the document safe, so this is the bag for document. I handed the bill to Lydia.
"Give it to Peter" I said she nodded.
"See you next" she said and we hugged before leaving, I came outside as I watched her live.
"Madam, you hardly come out" I heard one of our neighbor said, I turned and smiled.
"Its nature o" I said in the most polite way, she smiled, I thin she is going to bring back her children from school, its almost 4 pm, she stared at my tummy, and walked by as we waved our goodbyes. Its now noticeable, but only for matured people that knows the difference between pregnancy and big tummy.
I walked back in, I need to prepare dinner before Peter comes back, I came inside I carried the bag to place it back, but the contents inside it fell out since I forgot to zip it.
"Now I hate this kind thing, extra work" I said as I got down to put it all back in, I was shoving it all back in, until one got my attention. It was an envelop, its the only thing here inside an envelop, so curiosity got me, I decide to know what's inside.
I opened it only to see Peter's scholarship acceptance form, and just like that everything came crumbling and tears streamed down my cheek

Chapter 15
I don't know how long I stayed kneeling crying, I lost all energy, I heard the door squeak open, I know its Peter for he have his own key. I watched as he walked in, and his eyes landed on, we live in a self contain, so he easily spotted me, he rushed toward me
"Are you alright" he said kneeling beside me, I wanted to say yes but I lost my voice I just nodded, he wiped the tears off my face.
"Then why are you here" he asked, I showed him the letter of scholarship. "Oh" he said with a smile then helped me up, he led me and sat me on the bed then squats in front of me.
"Yea I did got the admission, but I never told anybody, I wasn't feeling it. I knew if they find out that means I must travel" he said and wiped my tears
"So I hid it, I was still trying to figure what to do with my life when you dropped the bomb that day" he said in a mocking tone.
"And the bomb destroyed your bright future" I countered, he smiled
"It actually gave me a future, everyday with you have been an adventure, adventure am certain I won't get anywhere, every problem we encounter is a challenge" he said giving me that smile that always pull my string.
"Am afraid you will wake up one day and realise your mistake" I said.
"Then you don't know me enough" he said, I feel bad for I have love with me for more than 2 months, I guess I should give him more credit, so I just nodded, he smile "so where is my dinner" he asked, that's when I realize I have nothing for him, I gasped.
"Now its my turn to get angry" he said feign anger I smiled, and move to make him dinner, I walked into our little kitchen, he just stood up to go bath, I always to see him walk out from shower, cause he always look like s delicious cake, I take my sweet time to stare at him.
After dinner we both slept off, we share the same bed, but he never cross his boundary, not that I care, I watch him slept off, I guess he had a hectic day, not long I slept off too.

I woke up with a hunger that makes my hand tremble, its not morning yet, than pregnancy, I stood up and entered the kitchen, I switched on the light to boil the rice and eat.
"You're hungry" I heard his voice, I turned and saw him rubbing his eyes,
'Sorry I woke you up" I said feeling apologetic, he smiled,
"Dish it out" he said,
"Will you eat" I said a bit worried, the rice is small and I don't want to share, he shook his head
"Am not hungry" he said, I visibly relaxed, he noticed it and smiled, every smile he gives is my reward cause I want nothing more than that,
I dished it out and he sat with me as I started eating, "you can sleep if you want" I said, I can feel his tired,
"I have something to tell you" He said and I nodded "there is this girl, she is persistent, even when she know I have you" he said, and I  choked, saying he have me that means he acknowledge me, or is it the girl should acknowledge the fact, I know he don't have time for girl, so I guess he is using me as shield. He sooths my back.
"Are you alright" he said and I nodded "so it pretty annoying, but I can't shun her cause she is a good customer" he said, I feel he don't need my advice, he just want to talk and it makes me happy, we're getting closer everyday.
"You know you're handsome, so every girl wants a piece of you" I said, he scoffed
"Old story" he said, we discussed a lot today, he told me more about his business and how its growing, that he never expected this progress, we were both happy, we decided to go to bed so he will wake up early, its about 3 am.
"Peter" I called as we both laid down, he answered "you can date if you want" I said, I don't know why I said that, I felt hurt after saying it and wished I can take it back, but his replied hurts me more.
"Alright" he replied, I thought he would say no, or just scoff like always but he accepted and with that tears came streaming down.


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