Chapter 6
I made sure to avoid the two brothers, it was easy for Peter since he never cared, but harder for Paul, I regret giving him my number he kept calling, when he figured am avoiding the call he started texting. I never read any of the text since the only one I read was him telling me how he enjoyed me. Disgusting, after our jamb it got easier to avoid Paul, a week later he got the hint and stopped texting, I stopped going to their house I had to lie to Lyd that I've been busy. Though I ignore them I still peek from my window to know if I can see a glimpse of Peter. My only joy is the fact I made my jamb, I learnt from Lydia that the twins passed, am not surprised.
"You have been awfully quiet" my mom said getting my attention which was outside watching Peter talking with his father.
"I never noticed" I said, truthfully I've been feelings feverish, and sometimes nauseatic, am hoping it will pass with time, I returned my attention to the window but frown when I saw no one.
"I will be going" my mom said and u waved her, she's going back to her restaurant, she banned me from coming after my sister's incident, am even glad I never liked going, those tout keep throwing passes at me. I went to my room to sleep that's all I've been doing lately.
I woke up this morning with a sudden urge to vomit, I rushed to my bathroom, thank God u have my own, I threw up my last night dinner, now liquid. My breathing got heavy, this is the second time this weak, not to mention am always dealing nauseatic. Epiphany hits me like a hot water all over my body.
"No it can't be" I muttered, my mom will kill me, I realise am also a week late, my throat tightened as my heart beat got faster, my brain went in overdrive yet not really thinking up a solution, this is a total state if worry.
I came out as calm as I can, the last thing I need is making my parents suspicious, I acted cooly at least till they both leave. I calmly waited for them to leave, I went straight to the pharmacy to buy the PT strip, I felt shy buying it for its my first time.
"First time?" The pharmacist asked me, she noticed
"Yea" I replied not looking at her, thank God its a girl, she chuckled.
"Its better to use it in the morning, your first urine" she said, then I looked at her
"That's when you get the best result" she said I nodded and left without a word "don't worry too much, its not the end other world" she said as I got to the door, I inhaled,
"Its not the end of the world" I muttered and left, I just have to wait till tomorrow.
I was almost awake for the whole night, I slept around 3 am and woke by 6 am, am so nervous, am current in my bathroom, my urine is in a container. Maybe I shouldn't do this, maybe if I keep acting oblivious everything will be alright. I stood for about 30 minutes, that's how long it took me to make a decision, I decide to carry on the test, its not the end of the world I remembered the woman's word.
I closed my eyes as I wait for the lines to appear, what felt like five minutes I opened my eyes only to be faced with my worse nightmare,
"Its double" I muttered as I slumped down, double means positive, am pregnant, it kept repeating in my head, and just like that I found myself in the same situation as my sister. I rushed to my phone, went to my contact list and failed Paul's number, after the third ring and he didn't pick up I decided to send him a message.
"WE NEED TO SEE, ASAP" I sent him, I walked out of my room and still act like nothing happened, before anything I need to speak with Paul, for he is responsible, I wiped my tears as it threatened to drop.
"Its not the end of the world" I muttered.
Chapter 11 I feel bad for what I have done, worst Paul didn't come out to help the situation, I misjudged him, maybe truthfully he followed Peter's footsteps then why isn't he here as Peter is here. "I won't allow her raise that bastard under this roof" she barked "Indirectly you're asking me to leave" Peter stared at her. She hesitated before replying "Am saying she should go, you have a future ahead of you" she said "So does she" Peter said pointing at me, I have never heard of anyone standing for a baby that isn't his. "Don't ruin your life for her" "Mom, its certain you guys won't accept her, and I can't stand and watch her being cast put by both families, so I will just leave with her to safe you all the stress and embarrassment" he said, not waiting for his mother to reply he went inside and brought out his bag, he must have prepared beforehand. "Come Missy, let's go...
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