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Chapter 3
             All through Saturday I kept hoping to see him, I can't count how many times I looked out the road hoping to see him, I didn't even visit the orphanage like I planned to cause I fear he might come while I was away. My sadness knows no bound as he didn't come even as the day ended. I also started the lookout again on sunday after I came back from church, but he didn't come.
"So did you have fun" Ejiro one of my friend asked, she have a nice backside, she is the ideal woman for most men, black sexy girl, unlike simple fair me, am plain, with little curves, am beautiful though
"Yes I did"
"Really" Ella asked she is the shortest among us, and a heavy gossiper so she is always eager to hear new things, and also beautiful in her own way.
"Yes" I answered, a little smile appeared on my face as I remembered the kiss
"You see, club is always fun" Esther said, I realized they still think I had fun in the club, I wanted to tell them everything, but I don't even know how, will they believe me if I said I had fun by just talking to a very cute guy. I don't think so
"I guess so" I said, luckily nobody pushed on they all started chatting about what happened at their Boyfriends side, I left them and went inside my room since its not my area of interest. Its 3 rooms apartment so we all have each room to ourselves, except for Ella and Esther who share the same room, then the sitting room belong to us all. I took refuge in my room, as I reminisce on my best night, I miss him even when I barely know him, I don't even know his full name, one at a time, my inner self told me.
"When next we see I will ask him then" I muttered 'that is there is next time' I thought.
                The week goes slowly, and am always on a lookout, even Ella noticed it and asked why am always looking down the street, I said its nothing serious. As the days goes by, my sadness of missing him turns to anger, if he know he won't come why did he gave me hope, am so mad at myself for even believing he will, maybe to him am just like any other girl he comes across.
       Its Friday again, so my friends have already left to their Boyfriends house, am alone at home, too lazy to cook anything I just drank tea with biscuits, I wore my dead brother hoodie, its big so it covers me well, reaching my mid thigh, I was not wearing any undies, since am not going anywhere or expecting anybody, I was just watching, Tom and Jerry my favourite, and eating popcorn, my very own cinema. I heard the knock on the door, I wondered who, but since am not expecting anyone, I thought it will be Ella, cause she sometimes forget something, but she also have her keys, I was still thinking when I heard the knock again, so I decided to go check, my lips went dry when I opened the door and saw Ejike
"Ejike" I said surprisingly
"One and only" he said with a drop dead smile
"You came" I said sounding like a moan
"Its either the popcorn you having is too sweet or you miss me" he said,  and I gasped
"How do you know am eating popcorn" I asked, then he now removed something beside my lips, my toe curled as I felt his touch, then it showed it to me, it was a little piece if popcorn
"So which is it" he asked referring to his earlier question
"Popcorn, definitely the popcorn" I answered a little too quick
"I miss you too" he said giggling.
"Come in" I said, and he walked in, the looking around the house,
"Only girls live here" he said, sounding so sure
"How do you know" I asked
"It smells of perfume and make up, and its way to neat" he answered, I smiled, that's true
"So what can I offer you" I said, he now sat down and looked at me from head to toe, I suddenly felt shy again, I clasped my hands together, and brought my feet together, even the right leg was on top the left, am no worried he is checking me out, am worried he might not like what he sees.
"Water" he said then, focused on the tv "Tom and Jerry, really" he asked
"Yea" I answered from the fridge side, I brought out the bottle water, that's what we always offer visitors, but we drink normal sachet water, I took a quick look on the mirrow before coming out
"Here" I said handing him the water, he drank a not out of it
"Why did you come, not that am not happy, but why now, why not other days" I asked
"Well, am busy, am free now, so what better way to spend my time with a very cute girl" he said smiling, I blushed
"But they're many other cute girls" I said, am sitting in the same sofa with him, but we kept a distance between us
"True, but non of them is my kind of cute" he said
I smiled "but you know, I won't be paying again" I said just to be sure, but I will if he demands it
"Oh you wound me" he said holding his chest "am just a guy here to have fun with a girl who he think is cute" he said and I smiled
"If you so requested for money, I would've paid" I said the gasped as I realize it made me sound desperate "but luckily you won't" I completed hoping he will treat it as joke
"I would've have still helped you out that day if you didn't offer me money" he smiled showing his dimple
"Well its not too late, you can return the money now" I said with a huge grin
"Don't be ridiculous babe" he said, and we both laughed. I don't like the distance between us, I want that soft touch, I kept thinking what to do, so I came up with a plan
"Do you want to play card" I asked, though I don't see how it can make me touch him
"Sure babe, but don't cry when I win" he smirked.
          I went and brought the card, we started playing, we are still sitting on the same sofa, just in a way we face eachother using the distance to play the game, I know am not wearing any undies so I made sure to cover myself with the pillow, I don't want to be seen as a slut.
          We are now on the fifth round and he is still winning, its frustrating, I thought am good, I always win my friends, but I hold nothing against him, he just  kept calm and mocked me, he is definitely not a gentleman, so I decided to cheat, don't blame me. So I won
"You cheated" he said resting his head on his palm
"No I didn't"I denied
"You did" he said, he looked amused
"Prove it" I challenged
He laughed then took the pillow, revealing the two card I hid, oops am caught,
"If caught, then you are a cheater" he said giving my back the pillow, I covered myself again, I felt sad for being caught "I have been cheating and you didn't catch me" he said and my eye widened
"You" I said and rushed him, he stood up and giving me more distance "I will so kill you when I catch you" I said as we run around, he kept laughing and avoiding me, he mock me on how I look in the hoodie, so I decided him
"What's that behind you" I said as he turned to look I jumped on him "I caught you" I said as I wrapped my legs around him, why does it looks like he is the one that caught me, he smiled and gentle move strand of my hair aside
"You caught me" he whispered and his voice arouse something in me, my heart beating violently, I looked at the lips and I want to taste it, don't blame me it looks delicious, I inched closer so did he.


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