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Chapter 2
     I stood there crying feeling defeated, I was too quick to believe him, maybe it was cause of his handsome face and gentle look, I should've seen reasons, he came to a club, and asked for money, he is a liar and a thief. I was still cry when I felt the same very soft hands I held earlier wiped my tears, so I looked up and saw Ejike.
"You came back" I asked with a hiccup
"Of course, I wouldn't want to be the guy that left a beautiful girl stranded" he answered with a smile and felt my cheek stained with blush, I smiled back
"So here" he said showing me his handkerchief "bind my eyes with this" he said and I looked at him showing my confusion and he rolled his eyes "so that I won't know the direction to your house" he said and I smiled, he turned backing me so I took the handkerchief and tied his eyes, he is taller but it wasn't a problem
"Easy babe" he said, and I could imagine him smiling.
"Done" I said and turned him towards me, "can you see me" I asked, and he shook his head, then I started dancing stupidly, hoping he will laugh, that means he is seeing me
"Stop dancing stupidly" he said and I gasped "I know you are, not cause am seeing you, but because you strike me like a girl that do stupid things when someone is not looking" he said smiling
"Let go" I said feeling ratted out, he giggled and extended his hand, I took it and still marvelled at his soft palm "your palm is soft" I said,
"Yea, I get that a lot, now lead the way" he said, we started walking slowly, I have never led a blind person before, but its feels like it now.
"You know one can have fun, by just talking with someone or doing something he or she values" he said as we walk
"Yes, but my friends don't think so" I said sadly, he scoffed
"Don't mind them, or maybe they have known you since secondary, and they know you are uptight and never went to any party, have you even have a real relationship" he asked and hit his feet against a stone "ouch" he said
"Direct me better next time babe" he said and I nodded
"To you question, yes I have not being in a real relationship, and they know me since secondary, I have always been uptight" I said with hint of anger "on my defence, I don't want any distractions, I wanted to graduate and live a comfortable life" I said
"Good, I know they have always bothered you since, so what made me listen now" he asked. I took a deep breath and exhaled
"Cause am 27 years old and they say with the way I live I might die single, so I decided to you know change something" I answered and remembered how their boyfriends always come to pick them up.
"So are they all married" he asked
"Not all, but they are all into a relationship" I answered, I feel free with him, am opening to him in ways I have never done before
"You are beautiful, so am shocked no guy have approached you" he said, the I stopped him from hitting another stone
"Actually, I have some guys after me, but whenever I try to accept one it always end bad, either our dates are always awkward with both of us mainly me, not knowing but to say, or I just don't like the guy" I answered and he giggled.
"Well consider yourself lucky" he said and it surprised me
"Since you never had a real relationship, that means you never had a heartbreak" he said
"Yes actually, am a novice in matters of fthe heart" I said then it dawn on me "that means you have" I asked and he froze for a bit before walking.
"Yes, firstly when I was in primary 6, when she left me to be with the teachers son, cause he can easily show her the exam sheet before the exam" he said patting his heart "oh my poor heart have experience series of heart break since then" he with amusement, making me laugh, he look so cute
"You shouldn't have give your heart when you were so young" I said,
"Yea, but luckily the guy didn't show her anything, when she came back to me, I refused" he answered, I wonder how a primary 6 love life would be like
"And if you are wondering how the relationship is, it involved me buying her sweet and whatever she demanded, her holding my hands whenever we go home, and coming over to my house on weekends. It could've been considered normal friendship if we didn't play under the cover" he said with a smug look
"Naughty you" I said laughing, without knowing it we are almost at my apartment, its one storey building, I share a flat with 3 of my friends, they always go to their Boyfriends house for the weekend
"We are almost there" I said sadly, I just don't want this moment to end
"Is that sadness I sense in your voice" he asked
"No" I denied
"Denial" he singed, I huffed
"Yes" I said stopping in front of my building, "we are here" I said and he wind me around to face him. "So I will no go upstairs and change then come back, so you will take me to the fun place" I said as my mood elevated
"Babe, what do you think we have been having all this while" he asked, then it dawn at me
"Having fun" I replied bitter smile
"This sadness you feel, is the feeling you get when fun is coming to an end" he said, I took the moment to take in his features, he is really handsome, the moonlight gave me a nice view of him "are you checking me out" he asked and my eye widened
"Don't flatter yourself" I replied and he giggled.
"Babe, I rescued you from the thugs, gave you fun, so I have paid in full" he said and I nodded
After a few moment of silent I decided to remove the blindfold
"You know if you remove it, I will see where you live"
"Yes, but I don't mind" I said and try to remove it
"Wait" he said and I did, he came closer, slowly raised his hands to touch my cheek, his movement resemble that of a blind man, he lean closer, I felt hot, I think he is about to kiss me, normal me would refuse, but since I saw him nothing about me is normal so I closed my eyes but instead of my lips I felt the warmness on my forehead, but it still send shivers down my spine
"Why" I whispered
"Cause I might lose the courage if I see your face" he said, I opened my eyes and looked at him hoping to hold this moment forever. But I still have to remove the blindfold, so I did and he opened his eyes. And looked at me, just with a single glaze he set my soul on fire.
"Now seeing your house, I think I will be dropping by" he said, and it spark hope in me
"I live in the first floor" I said, wow am I that desperate.
"Good, now go upstairs babe, its already pass midnight" he said, and I felt myself being shy, something I never thought its possible
"Alright" I said and slowly opened the gate and walked inside, I ran upstairs immediately I locked the gate, I want to see him as he walked away. Luckily I made it on time to watch him as he walked away with his hands in his pocket, a slow smile crept on my lips as I watch him leave, God I can't wait to see him again. That was my thought as I slept.


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